Rent Rise Query

Hi All,

I received a rent rise letter from the property management company. I moved into the property in December 2019 and am still here 4 years later. I understand that due to the Adjustment of reference interest rate from 1.5 to 1.75% there is a rent increase of 51.60 CHF from 1720 to 1825.95 CHF which is 3%. I am unsure if the other 2 charges on the letter are legitimate, these are:

1. Teuerungsausgleich von 101.8 Pkt. per 31.10.2019 auf 107.3 Pkt. per 31.10.2023 - extra 37.15CHF.

2. Allgemeine Kostensteigerung von 31.10.2019 ausgeglichen bis 31.10.2023 - extra 17.20CHF.

Could someone who is familiar with this state if the 2 extra charges are correct and legitimate. Full breakdown is below as I was only expecting 51.60 CHF rent rise instead of 105.95:


A. Für Mietzins Bisher CHF Neu CHF

Nettomietzins 1'720.00 1'825.95

Für Nebenkosten

Heiz-/Betriebskosten akonto 230.00 230.00

Total pro Monat 1'950.00 2'055.95

Klare Begründung

Anpassung Referenzzins von 1.5% per 03.09.2019 auf 1.75% per 02.12.2023 51.60

Teuerungsausgleich von 101.8 Pkt. per 31.10.2019 auf 107.3 Pkt. per 31.10.2023 37.15

Allgemeine Kostensteigerung von 31.10.2019 ausgeglichen bis 31.10.2023 17.20

Total Nettomietzins-Anpassung gerundet 105.95

Förderbeiträge für wertvermehrende Verbesserungen (gem. Art. 19 Abs. 1 lit. a Ziffer 5 VMWG):

B. Für andere einseitige Vertragsänderungen


Really appreciate the help and I wish all of you great day ahead.


Check out the Tenant’s Association web page.

There is an online calculator for rent increases and tells you whether the increase is within the correct parameters, or if you are being over-charged and can contest the landlord.…nsrechner.html

My rent has been increased by 90chf however, after checking with the above calculator, the landlord could have increased it even more and still been within the legal limits.

Thanks that answered my question. Seems in line with the calculator. Thank you

Found this a quite useful English guide for this situation along with the previously mentioned Mieterverband calculator:…tzerland-guide

Using these sources. Yes those seem like reasonable numbers based on those websites.

We are just going through a similar situation with our rental contract. Our private owners have just informed us of a 10% increase on our contract. By our calculations it should be max 5% (3% due to Referentzins change and just under 2% for inflation). They justified it due to increases in their mortgage costs. We have just sent off our email to the Mieterverband to check it all over and confirm that mortgage costs aren’t included in general cost increases. If anyone wants to add their input feel free . Moving out soon, got to decide it is worth creating a stink with the owners due to possible problems when moving out etc.