Salary Negotiation during Business Divestment

Hi All,

My company is going through a business divestment and I heard that sometimes people find ways to re-negotiate their salary in this situation.

Does anyone has experience or knowledge about this topic and could share some hints to extract the most of this very difficult situation?



Are you being divested or divesting? If your contractual situation changes, you can always bring up salary. Also if it doesn’t. If your employer is up the creek with no paddle, they will be thrilled though to hear from you on this.

What is the situation exactly? Are you being sold or is the business being shut down?

In both cases very generally you may be in the position that you are considered indispensable to the deal/closure and get a special retention bonus/higher salary from new company.

Be careful though as if it’s a tough business situation and a “save the day” acquisition, retaining your job may already be great and you asking for more money may be viewed as showing poor emotional intelligence - pretty much everyone is dispensable…

If you need to be retained for a few months to train people before you get fired, then it is a good time to look for a new job and negotiate a wage increase retention bonus.