Schweizerischer Digitaler Sprachtest (SDS) not recognized for naturalisation

From 30-June-2025 Schweizerischer Digitaler Sprachtest (SDS) will not be recognized for naturalisation in Zurich kanton :frowning:

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Not true (any more).

I did call the Einbürgerungsamt and asked if SDS is going to be recognized as it appears in the SEM list. And they told me it would be valid only until the end of June 2025. Although the SEM document says 2029, Zurich Stadt has not included it. Apparently, SEM rules are just guidelines and the Kanton has the full liberty to decide the documentation/level etc . For example in Schwyz they need B2 (spoken) and B1 (written) for naturalisation. Which is higher than SEM recommendations.

They’re wrong.

If you ask SEM they will tell you (I know because that’s what I did) to contact Fide about the details. Fide ([email protected]) will tell you that the SDS certificates are accepted as long as they meet the formal criteria because getting the ALTE certification takes until 2029. If that were to change (SDS no longer meets the formalities) there will be a grace period of at least one year.

So, as long as SDS is on SEM’s list, and since SEM’s list is updated quarterly, you have at least 12-15 months during which the SDS certificate is accepted by SEM.

@axa mods, the SDS stuff is duplicate, there’s already this one. I suggest to close this (perhaps merge if there’s something worth merging) and let it slide into oblivion.