Seeking Advice on Investing in a Grocery Store Franchise

Hello everyone,

I am interested in investing in a grocery store franchise like Denner or Mogrospartner. I would greatly appreciate it if someone who has experience with the process of purchasing and finalizing such a deal could share their knowledge and experience.

I have a few concerns that I would like to address:

What are the criteria for selecting the area to open the store?

How much investment is required?

Is there a need for backup investment to ensure smooth operations?

Thank you in advance for your valuable input. I look forward to hearing from you.

Note:I have reasonable amount as saving in my account. Moreover my wife also have completed her verkäufer ausbildung and also expperience working in grossary store.

Best regards,

I doubt that anyone here can tell you. Contacting Migros/Denner will be your solution.

Topic could be interesting for many.
I founf following link to Become a Denner partner now…ig-mit-denner/

If understood correctly minimum 50000 CHF equity required.


Thanks highly appreciated

Some companies use a franchise system for their shops. BP for instance, the fuel company, does so with the pump station shop close by, that'll apply to all of them. The same may apply to others, like VOLG with their retail and pump station shops, VOLG itself is owned by Fenaco.

Great that you’re doing your research. As part of that, you might like to read through this related thread…-pancakes.html and the other threads to which it links. Although not exactly about a minimarket franchise, much of the advice applies to starting any smallish business, most especially finding someone whom you can follow all day, to see how they actually run things, day to day.

Is a franchise self employed? If so, you ́d need to check if you are allowed to be self employed.

To be fair, if you time this right and secure a good location (and are business-savvy) this could be a good investment: there are so many new medium-density neighborhoods cropping up and each of them needs at least one food shop. A good accountant friend of mine does the books for their local Denner and I guess they are turning a very handsome profit.