Seeking feedback on Real and Literargymnasium Rämibühl


I am seeking any feedback/advice on Rämibühl Literargymnasium and Realgymnasium.

Our daughter (1st year Gymnasium student) got accepted to enter in Feb. after the Sportferien in both Literargymnasium and Realgymnasium as a transfer student. Our daughter was born in Switzerland and did most of her Primarschule in Zürich so she speaks both perfect German and Swiss German. We moved temporarily to Germany and moving back to Switzerland in Jan. We have chosen these two schools because we want to have the IB program option open for our daughter.

We have very good impression of both schools and the curriculum between these two schools does not seem to differ much. We have very difficult time deciding between these two schools.

I got a great feedback from a mother in EF(thank you again!) on Literargymnasium but have not heard anything about Realgymnasium. I would appreciate it if anyone can give me a feedback on any of these two schools. It would be helpful to hear from parents with first hand experiences.

Thank you.

Historically the split between the three Rämibühl schools was MNG=math/hard sciences, LG=ancient languages, RG=modern languages. (The K+S, a specialist high school for music and athletics, is a newer addition.)

In the last 50 years those lines have blurred as all three schools expanded their course offerings. In particular the LG and RG now seem to be identical in terms of Matura profile. I know this isn't precisely what you asked, but hopefully not altogether unhelpful...

Here's another thread (from 2007) asking the same question - the consensus then seemed to be that there was very little difference between the two.

[Rämibühl Realgymnasium Zurich? [experience with?]](

@MathNut, thank you. I also read the thread before, I did all the search on Rämibühl topics... Knowing all the fact still makes it difficult to decide. I guess I would just like to hear more from the parents who have experiences with these two schools.

I think in most cases parents have no choice between the gymi, they are happy to just get the place!

I think the difference will be possibly in subject options, location and whether the campus offers short and long gymi programmes, otherwise, in terms if quality, I have not heard any parents speak negatively. (My husband is a primary teacher and has kids who have gone to quite a few of the different gymi across Zurich over the past 5 years, both short and long.)

Oh, forgot to add, they have an info evening for prospective parents this week. Info should be on their school website, and you are supposed to book online.

I went to the MNG and found the teaching excellent in most classes. Have you asked whether your daughter is allowed to do a "Schnupperwoche"? That way she would have the chance to get an idea of school life. I hope she will like it there (:

Well, that's just it - they are both Langzeitgymi , both located on the same campus, have identical Matura profiles and nowadays a common entrance exam to get in. So at least on paper there is really not much at all to separate them... hence the OP's hope for some anecdotal experience.

livinginswiss, you made me curious so I did some googling in German and couldn't find anybody else claiming to have the low-down on this question either. The general consensus really seems to be that it is six of one and half a dozen of the other. I do know that both of them are regarded among teachers as good places to work; I would take this to mean that student morale, discipline etc. are not problematic in either place. Students who attend ETH with diplomas from both also seem to get very similar grades after the first year, see here .

Sorry, I know this isn't helping you make your mind up!

I had no idea one can ask for Schunpperwoche in Gymnasium! I wonder if it's appropriate to ask?

Yes, that is why it is so difficult for us to choose. I guess a lot depends on the class teachers, other schoolmates etc. since both schools are Langzeitgymi and seems to offer similar courses, same IB programs, both schools seems to have very good reputations etc. I was hoping to hear from other parent's first hand experiences.


I'm a parent of a child attending Rämibühl.

The difference in reputation that I've heard is that students at the LG are slightly more serious.

My impression is that the students at RG are headed more for careers in business (taking "practical" modern languages), while students at LG are headed for more intellectual pursuits (taking Latin and Greek).

I mean, it's only 7th grade, so who knows what they are really going to do, but that's the self-selection bias that they've set up, since that's the only structural difference between the schools.

We're totally happy with LG.

PM me if you want to talk more and we'll move to e-mail.

My niece came to live with us in 2009-10 and attended LG as an "exchange student" in what we would call 10th grade. The coursework was obviously challenging, but she received a lot of support both from the other students and from a paid tutor assigned by the school. The entire program is bilingual German/English, and she came in with no knowledge of German. It seems to be more like a University than a high school, and the students and faculty take their work seriously, but as a team to support one another.

I would highly recommend that you contact the heads of school for an interview, and to set up some visiting days at both schools. They have as much an interest as you do in making sure that you find the best fit for your daughter.

Exciting times ahead for all of you. Best of luck!


More gossip from the kids in the school:

that RG students are more into fashion and give a harder time to students who don't dress like them, than do LG students.

I'm sure this is a generalization that doesn't fit the whole school, but that's all I've got here.

Maybe you're already on it, but in the Aktuelles pages there's a copy of a recent presentation (not too helpful for your purposes) and an announcement of a Schnuppertag on Friday 6. Dezember. Maybe it's worth a field trip for the weekend?

Thank you so much for all the helpful comments!

There are Schnuppertags coming up for both the first week in December. I think you have to register to attend the RG one, but the LG one you can just turn up for. There are details on the websites.



Thank you for your valuable information. It’s been very helpful.

I have a question about switching schools. If a student is particularly interested in computer science, would it be possible for them to transfer from a Literargymnasium (LG) to a Realgymnasium (RG)? If so, what is the process for making such a transition?


From my understanding, Literargymnasium (LG) emphasizes languages, history, and social sciences but Realgymnasium (RG) focuses on mathematics, natural sciences. Will Literargymnasium graduates still be able to be admitted to the computer science department of ETH?

I also have a question about switching schools.

If a student is particularly interested in computer science, would it be possible for them to transfer from a Literargymnasium (LG) to a Realgymnasium (RG)?

If so, what is the process for making such a transition?

Thank you so much for your time.