Thank you for any advice!
I'm looking for ideas to support a friend who recently had some unexpected health challenges. My friend also has small kids so this is very challenging. The wrinkle is, I am located overseas right now. Does anyone have ideas of what I could do to support the family? Something like food delivery gift cards, but I don't know what are good companies to do this with in Switzerland. Location is Zug, if that is helpful.
Maybe ask them on what help they need or would welcome. That usually helps. In such cases, being very specific re. the help offered can make a difference.
I would also suggest this - it's hard to know what is needed.... food delivery is extremely expensive in not usually a good use of available funds... online grocery delivery can help.... but it is only available from the more expensive grocery store again, maybe not the best use of funds...
Maybe an offer pay part of their childcare bills (if they have a nanny or daycare centre).... if you have a lot of money to give....
Or just some flowers and a nice card and some cash transferred to their bank account ?