Wasabi coated peanuts

QED, as they say. :+1:

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Demonstrate?! You’re sure?! Be my guest. As I’ve said, looks like the vomit of a terminally ill cockroach.

Have you ever eaten roasted eggplant salad? It looks a bit (meh?) but it’s delicious.

I guess you don’t eat Indian daal either?

What?! Are you seriously comparing vomit with this? Toasted eggplant salad sounds, looks and tastes amazing.

That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it but your opinion is no more valid than anybody else’s.

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s not nice, other people do like it.

To be honest I think you’re being more than a bit ridiculous in this weird obsession you have about mushy peas.

Of course its my opinion. And you’re free to eat vomit, but I’m free to judge you on this.

You might think that’s what you’re doing but you’re actually obsessively making uncalled for personal comments about other people’s food preferences relating to one specific food just because they differ from your own.
It’s both childish and unnecessary. You probably think you’re being funny but trust me you’re not.

Nope. I’m factual. And sad that people actually like horrible food. But, to be polite, “to each his own”.



Beans on toast. Nothing better!



The Brits got triggered again. Calm down, its only food :slight_smile:

Clearly not as triggered as the person who fell over himself to yap about mushy peas in a totally unrelated thread, though. Well done you!

Thanks! I’m usually spot on (on?) trigger points.

I think the only person triggered is you, you’re the one who has an irrational obsession about a certain foodstuff.

Most people couldn’t give two hoots about them, love them or hate them it’s a personal preference and there is no right or wrong.
Why do you feel the need to keep constantly harping on about them? We get it, you don’t like them no need to keep repeating yourself.

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The reverse psychology must be doing its wonders in my case, as I’ll definitely taste this dish one day. :upside_down_face:

Ah, come on BelgiumMum, how frustrated would you be if you lived on bread only, made from dough you started 1999?


'Cause when one’s diet is mainly shit like mushy pees, one feels miserable, sad and angry. It’s not you, it’s them! :slight_smile:

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I’ve had mushy peas once or twice in my life and never as a child (they aren’t served with fish and chips everywhere in the country).

I don’t like them either, particularly.

They are from a bygone time when, in the UK, drying beans in their pods, protected them from rain and pests and allowed them to be stored and eaten in the winter months.

Rather like those Swiss dried Dörrbohnen.

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Nobody eats mushy peas on a regular basis, they’re a very occasional thing.
I don’t know why you would think otherwise.

I eat a lovely, varied diet and am neither miserable, sad nor angry which is more than can be said for some people on this thread.

@Tom1234 I’m sure Axa and Island Monkey will be delighted if you start posting on one of the two Formula one threads they created.