Wasabi coated peanuts

Who likes Wasabi? Wasabi is supposed to be a good antitoxin.

I do.

I do

Make sure you wash your hands before rubbing an eye.

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I don’t.

There’s a minute amount of wasabi in Wasabi peanuts - ranging from none through to 0.5% for Coop Finest and 1.7% for Migros Selection.

If you want to benefit from any health benefits, you probably need to eat a bit more than you’re getting from coated peanuts and the peanuts, oil and additives would probably negate the benefits of the wasabi.

It’s a bit like people saying they like lettuce and they’ve heard it’s healthy and then eating MacDonald’s Big Macs to get their lettuce.

You could buy the paste instead but most of those only as trace amounts too, the rest being horseradish flavoured with mustard.

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I don’t like wasabi as I am getting a strange reaction but with peanuts I do somehow enjoy the pain.

I do but… mostly what we get in Europe isn’t the ‘real’ Japanese version… it’s just standard horseradish and green … er… stuff


No its not. Wasabi is wasabi. Horseradish is horseradish. They are very similar and there is no evidence that wasabi is better for you than wasabi. So just get some regular horseradish sauce, not something that is labelled wasabi and is much more expensive.

You like mushy peas, so no surprise that things with flavor don’t agree with you.

I actually perfer fresh horseradish and then make my own things with it.
I used to cut it in bits and freeze it. Unfortunately I have not seen it in the shops for a long time and I’m beginning to think I used to buy it in Germany. Where I no longer shop.

Any hints are welcome.

Horseradish - never really liked it despite being told “it’s healthy, eat some!” so many times. Wasabi is much more subtle and refined. As with everything very spicy, it’s an acquired taste though. I didn’t like it from the first time I ate something with wasabi, but I really love it now.

What is not? There is a quote function which may help.

There’s no evidence that 1 = 1, but it kinda works.

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Haha you’re so funny. Why do you have such an obsession with mushy peas?

You’re confusing flavour with heat, things don’t need to be spicy hot to have flavour.

Plus done correctly mushy peas have plenty of flavour.

I like the flavour of peanuts, I personally don’t think the addition of wasabi improves them in any way.


To get the health benefits of horse radish (or Wasabi), you’d probably have to eat quite a lot of it and then there are side effects including diarrhea and vomiting.

People should just eat a varied diet with lots of vegetables and fruit and not focus on one.

This isn’t directed at you obviously but just a general point.

I think it’s just the general mantra “it’s healthy!” to lure you into eating whatever thing…:slight_smile:
Of course it’s not a panacea. (nothing is)
I like wasabi for its taste, I am sure you’d need a large quantity to get the potential benefits.


Anyone liking mushy peas and admitting it publicly has 0 credibility in the flavor department, but thanks for your opinion.

But that’s also just an opinion. :wink:


Nope. Mushy peas are disgusting. Its a fact :slight_smile: