What documents can be used to prove being signed in with RAV for permit renewal?

I was laid off last year and did not find a new job yet.

I'm on B permit and soon it expires, so I decided to sign up for RAV.

I'm eligible for it but did not enroll earlier.

Today I found out that there might be penalties for all kind of things that can delay payments for months.

So most probably I will not receive my first paycheck from them before permit expiration.

Was anybody able to use any other documents from RAV for permit renewal?

If yes, what documents exactly did you use?


Was your B permit tied to your employer or is it an open one? If tied, then the permit expired when you lost your job and you should have left the country months ago. If it’s open then you can stay here to look for another job.

When were you laid off exactly? Because RAV calculates what you get based on your last 12 months of employment so if you’ve been unemployed for 9 of those then they’re not going to be paying you very much. You should have signed on to RAV as soon as you became unemployed.

As a non-EU national who’s unemployed you can’t renew your permit, that would have to be done by RAV since they effectively become your new employer. If they think you have a good chance of getting another job here then they may agree to get the permit renewed. If they don’t think you’ll be able to find a new job then the permit won’t get renewed.

Normally 6, 12 if it works in your favor.


If you're EU there's generally no issue. I was 'in-between' jobs ten years ago when I had to renew my B permit. What I learned is if you can show them you have funds (say something like 40k or more in the bank), then they don't have a problem renewing it.

This is often repeated on EF, but not true.

As long as they have 12 months of contributions within the last 24 months, then the calculation is made from the 12 months prior to the last day of employment. While waiting to apply can reduce your benefit payment period, as the ‘rahmenfrist’ starts from the day of job loss - the amount of benefit is not reduced by those months with zero income as they are ignored.


Section C22
“Für versicherte Personen, die sich bei Eintritt eines anrechenbaren Verdienstausfalls nicht sofort zum Taggeldbezug anmelden, beginnt der Bemessungszeitraum am Tag vor dem Eintritt eines solchen Ausfalls. Voraussetzung ist, dass in der RFB mindestens 12 Beitragsmonate vor diesem Zeitpunkt liegen.”

For insured persons who do not immediately register to receive daily benefits when an eligible loss of earnings occurs, the assessment period begins on the day before such a loss occurs. The prerequisite is that there are at least 12 contribution months in the RFB prior to this date.