You brain is now 0.5% made of plastic

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Nothing new. Some peoples brains have been made of much larger portions of plastic and vacuum for quite a long time.


In the news lately, I see many people who have shit for brains.


Thanks Phil for this insightful study. It amazes me according to the report that more than half the plastic ever made has been produced in the last 22 years and that current production will double by 2040. Still no one knows what the health effects are!

Plastic bags in the ocean are a real environmental problem. Micro and nano plastic particles in human tissue are an unknown, despite the recent newspaper headlines. A quick look at the literature suggests that the evidence is not really in: e.g.

Plastic Man

I think it is probably too new for conclusions with any scientific confidence. However, I’ll wager that getting micro/nano plastics in our bodies and in everything we eat is not going to be a positive thing.

Stop drinking bottled water.

Humans are basically selfdestructive

That’s been known for a very, very long time actually.

From your source:
“However, the new technology was actually able to see millions of nanoparticles in the water, which could be “inorganic nanoparticles, organic particles and some other plastic particles not among the seven major plastic types we studied,” said coauthor and environmental chemist Beizhan Yan, an associate research professor at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.”
In other words they are not quite sure what their imaging technique is picking uo

Yes! But still many do not know about it. And its the one single way to drastically reduce one’s intake.

I would have thought that was widly known but maybe you’re right.

I keep getting annoyed seeing Migros do “Aktion” for CocaCola in tins. But the other day (before this thread) I started wondering if aluminium is not better than pet (if you only have those two choices). In terms of health as well as recycling. That’s a question should anybody have info on that.

I drink that stuff maybe twice a year in a tiny dosis so it makes no difference but I’m sure people jump on those special offers.

Ideally glass is best but that luxury is only in restaurants. So I would stick to wine and beer.

well I stick to tap water for as long as it is possible.