Please help me to understand this piece of news:
Does this mean that the deductible costs (without providing further documentation) evolve
in simple words 0.3% up to 2 millions, 0.15% onward
which reduces to
in simple words 0.3% up to 2 millions, 0.1% onward
By the way how do you interpret this one?
“Die Schätzung der abzugsfähigen Kosten erfolgt pro Depot.”
Will banks start splitting security accounts (for a fee) not to exceed 2 millions per security account?
Or do I have to interpret this one as “moral suasion” from the state not to keep more than 2 millions (in securities) in the same bank?
Please use the Enter key.
Sorry, I did not realize it resulted in an unreadable message
What's the issue? If you're not happy with the forfeit deductions you could claim the actual costs
My actual costs are indeed lower than the forfeit deductions; this is why it would be important for me to understand what the new (after Oct 9, 2023) rules actually say.
And it applies immediately to all open tax period meaning also 2022 in case not yet closed....
No, as I understand it, it’s rather
=IF(VALUE<2000000;0.3%*VALUE;MAX(6000;MIN(0.2%*VAL UE+2000;6000+(FLATFEE-6000)/2)))
Where FLATFEE is the flat fee of your wealth manager or custody bank. I.e., this is only applicable where you’re actually charged a flat fee (and it’s not clear what part of the flat fee would be tax deductible).
If you’re investing by yourself with minimal fees, it’s still the same 0.3%, capped at CHF 6000.
I’m not sure about the ‘per depot’ part. In https://www.zh.ch/de/steuern-finanze…tml#-105414878 it’s only in “II. Abzug der tatsächlichen Kosten” but that section still has the 0.3% rule if the depot is below 2 Mio. I suspect they won’t accept exceeding CHF 6000 across multiple depots if there is no evidence for being charged a flat wealth management fee at all but that’s just a guess.
Jayb, after reading the document again and again, I believe you are right...
For investors with minimal fees, the deduction should reduce to simply (before and after Oct 9, 2023):
As far as the possible account splitting is concerned, I noticed that the word "Depotwert" does not appear in the section "I. Pauschalabzug", but only in the section "II. Abzug der tatsächlichen Kosten" (which doesn't apply to investors with minimal fees).