13. AHV. Pension

What are your opinions on the upcoming vote?

To me it looked that it is going to pass,but it seems the trend is reversing now. Not sure if the no can pick up sufficiently.

I will vote no to both.

Whilst I do believe some pensioners need support, I also believe a bigger pension reform is needed as AHV was designed in different demographic times.

I am hoping that by voting no, we will push for a rehaul Vs this drips of modifications which will not help in the long run.

As for retirement age - same issue. Yes we can all work longer but the reality is if you get laid off after 55 the chances of finding a job are slim. So here again we need to think it through.

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Recent survey from Tamedia group. Asked about the 13th AHV pay to 23’734 people during 14 and 15.02.2024

As dim mentioned, the Yes intention is around 59% a few days before the vote.But, there couldn’t be a greater contrast between the 18-24 year old group and 65+ YO. Cyan is Yes, Fuchsia is No.

Source: 13. AHV-Rente verliert an Zustimmung â€“ das Rennen wird knapp - 20 Minuten

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A lot of people have already postal voted so one doesn’t get last minute reversals here.


We go postal on the 3rd, so anything can happen!

Just filled out ours, 2x Si/No.

Will drop them off after lunch.


It all checks out as predicted. I am surprised the youth in the first age bracket do vote here, as in other countries this demographic group is the biggest absentee in every election… :slight_smile: TIS

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There may be turnout issues also on the elder side. The last SRF poll suggested that while pensioners of course support this in general, there is growing concern about burdening their children.

Let’s see. I hope for a no. None of this has a financing plan attached and therefore for me this is an unserious proposition.


Stupid question warning.

Once a vote is sent by post, is it reversible? Can you show up on Sunday and ask to vote again? Or not?

I’m voting yes even though I feel increasing the AHV payouts could have been handled differently.

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In Zurich city we need to send our votes by Tuesday night. I suppose they then start counting and would have no way of taking your other vote out.

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I think it might be possible in a small commune
to recast your vote in person. But you wouldn’t be popular.

But when there are hundreds, or thousands, or more ballots I think not.

I would say that putting your envelope in a post box is the same as dropping into the “urn” on Sunday. In other words “NO”. If it were allowed, we’d all be charging our minds!

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Just as an unrelated fact the UK State Pension is paid in 13x4 weekly instalments

7 posts were split to a new topic: UK Pension Triple Lock

Swiss inflation calculations don’t include health Insurance costs. Probably a family’s second largest expenditure and it doesn’t count.


52 weeks then. Sounds like 12 months.

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We can dump them in the comunal letter box as late as Sunday morning, no need to mail them!



That’s what we do, but usually don’t wait until Sunday morning.