Eurovision 2025

Despipe a somewhat controversial event Nemo has found glory for Switzerland. For only the third time a Swiss singer has won. Oops, make that second time as Celine Dion was not Swiss.

With the crown comes the real prize of hosting next years event. Both Lugano and Lausanne have hosted the contest so it may be the German speaking regions turn. Or Biel/Bienne Nemo’s birthplace.

Or maybe Geneva as that is where the EBU is based?

Just made another thread to say the same. They did break the trophy afterwards which is kinda hilarious. :smile:

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Didn’t you say that you won’t vote? Now that Switzerland won all of a sudden this event is more acceptable? :slight_smile:
I didn’t even know Switzerland’s (or anyone’s song) till a couple of days ago.
I watched the final with some friends last night and we even voted lol. My vote was for France and OH’s for Italy, all in all Eurovision was a tad more fun than I remembered.

It’s a much bigger event than it was back then so it’ll need to be a pretty large venue.

Hopefully not the Hallenstadion. Although it probably is appropriate for CH to hold such an event in an ice hoxkey arena.

And no I did not watch or vote. Went out with a bunch of friends of mixed provenience: UK; MT; DE; CA; most of which are now CH. None of them had any interest in the proceedings.

UK got 0 points from the public… :zipper_mouth_face:
(the song wasn’t that bad though, I wonder what makes them so unpopular…)

The popular vote and the jury’s tastes couldn’t be more different, bar Italy.

Real question is will anyone remember any of the songs by this time next year. Doubt it. It’s become a visual spectacle where the actual songs come a poor second. Last memorable one I remember is Nocturne and that was back in 1995. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t even remember them.

This is the shallowest of all shallow events. I don’t know why every year there is this hype for a week, and then the event, the songs and the freaks who participate are forgotten again.

And to make things worse, this year there was the “protest” because of Gaza, and thousands of entitled know-nothing protesters harassed the Israeli participant whose only fault was being Israeli. At least Greta had an opportunity again to be on TV.

Israel shouldn’t even be in Eurovision.

It isn’t about the songs. They are known weeks in advance. It’s all about the performance…

My wife commented about the crotch thrusting UK performance and the nearly naked (??) act of some forgotten country. I can’t comment because I did not see either.

I’ve been to a few things at Hallenstadion, the sound quality in there is awful.

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I think she might have referred to Finland’s show. :slight_smile: They had a show with a man who literally dropped his shorts on the scene and ran in his underwear (they filmed it as if he was naked, but of course that was just an optical illusion) Anyways, yeah…quite a few women singers were dressed as if they wanted to mimic Ms. Aguilera in Lady Marmalade…kind of unimaginative but folks do everything to attract as many votes as possible.
By comparison, I think our sweet Swiss boy was quite decently dressed. :joy:

I haven’t watched Eurovision in a while and it was funny. I expected entertainment and I had some. :slight_smile: I’m not sure I’ll remember any of those songs in a few years, but that’s not the point of this contest/show.
Edit: I liked the Swedish hosts (Petra Mede and Malin Akerman) and the way the Swedes organised this show.
As for voting…come on…this is part of the fun. You have to dive into the “Eurovision hype” a bit if you watch it, otherwise it doesn’t make any sense.
We all know it’s also political, so we had the neutral Switzerland winning this time around. They really are neutral, even gender neutral! - I guess it’s “them/they” not “he/him”. :joy: (I think the song was quite good compared to other years’ songs at least)


Who would have thought public televisions would strive to satisfy the exquisite tastes of Build readers.

Not only. Ukraine gave Israel 0 points (both jury and audience), because the participant grew up in Russia, has a Russian citizenship and attended kids talent contest in occupied Crimea. If they had chosen another participant, they could have easily got lots of points from Ukraine, because the support of Israel in Ukraine is massive.

BTW, Ukraine was the only country who gave 12 / 12 points to Switzerland. It’s definitely not a political vote, because Ukraine doesn’t get much support in war from Switzerland. I think they simply liked the song.

I find the victory of Switzerland well deserved. The song is very good comparing to the others, and I also like the original video. I don’t like how the performance was staged and the costume. It looks like they either didn’t have enough budget or they decided to keep it simple.

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I can assure you my mom (for instance) is not a Build reader or any other tabloid reader, and she still watches Eurovision every single year…for the outrage, I guess? (her after-the-show comments sounded a bit like bowlie’s wife comments, which for me is also part of the fun) :wink: She also mentioned Finland’s man and that Slovenia could have sung naked, as there was “no mystery left”. :joy:

To be fair I would have been happy for Switzerland either way. :slight_smile:

The king is naked :slight_smile:

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If it’s not a political vote as you claim then shouldn’t they just be voting on the participants performances?

Is this the Swiss Neutrality the SVP people is always talking about?

PS. no video or music linked?