Please don’t take this personally, as you seem very nice, but it always gets my back up slightly when a woman uses the word ‘Men’ to encapsulate the whole male human race, as if we are all the same.
Every time you want to say something like that, just at least think of adding a quantifier such as “some” “many” or “quite a few” perhaps.
I don’t like being bracketed with all my fellow men. What if I am much worse than they are. It’s unfair on them!
In a similar vein, not all women are the same and not all women want the same things for Christmas presents so “what women really want” is really a bit too generic too.
We can only give suggestions - and they may not be wrong (for the woman in question).
Cheap…? Nobody writes letters anymore, so by this day and age a hand written letter is something special…
I suppose you would send an e-mail with an animated GIF.
At this point I have to put a plug in for this English e-card site. My sis sends them to me several times a year, and they are really lovely and touching.
I know Jacquiel Lawson. She (they) make advents calenders too. A friend of mine gifted me one every year and they’re great. She passed away so I didn’t know last year’s was “Paris”.
Actually that’s a nice gift before Christmas and not only for children at all.