McGrocer - deceptive advertising/astroturfing

---------------------Moderator note-------------------
The post below has been determined to originate from an owner or employee of McGrocer. It’s probably a good idea to exercise caution when considering a business that pretends to ask for recommendations when it’s actually using a sneaky way to promote itself. Leaving this post so future members can see what type of business this is.

Hi everyone,

I’ve been living in Switzerland for a while now and I occasionally miss certain British foods and brands that are hard to find here. I’ve tried a few local stores, but they don’t always have what I’m after.

Recently, I stumbled across a site called McGrocer that delivers British groceries straight from UK supermarkets to Switzerland. Has anyone else tried them? I’m curious to hear if it’s worth placing an order and what your experiences have been with getting those much-missed British essentials delivered.

Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions!

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Welcome. Do search the forum, there are loads of comments, and most if not all negative. Shop in Gland, will deliver anywhere in CH.

That’s the English Grocer I believe so not the same one as the OP mentions.


Thanks for the correction!

If you are in Zurich area, go to the Viadukt.

It depends on what you want.

Lots of the online shops sell mostly stuff I haven’t had since the 1970s, if at all and which I wouldn’t buy if I was back in the UK anyway.

What sort of things do you want?

Why is horlicks always out of stock everywhere?!?
Can’t they just stock up according to demand? Pheeew, peeved.

Maybe there’s not much demand?

I used to love Horlicks, haven’t had it for years.

Possibly. And not well known around here. Grumpy didn’t have it either back in them days.
Love that stuff, got it from last time, the last one probably and … just see, they got it again! Sorry, off I go, got an order to place … :laughing:

I haven’t had it since the 1970s.

It will help if you could share (i) where in Switzerland you are based, and (ii) what are those “much-missed British essentials” that you mention. You will also find that many people have replaced many of these essentials with local ones, leaving very few that you can’t really find here…

Guessing your location, if you are in Geneva-Lausanne area, Jims is worth a visit as you mentioned. There are also many Carrefours (in nearby France) with an English section (Tetley tea, muffins, carr’s crackers, after eight, colemans mustard, jakobs cream crackers, refrigerated custard cream, cadbury’s… at quite reasonable prices). More generic, Coop stocks things like baked beans and cheddar.

For brands, I think you will only find the more-or-less “stereotypical” UK stuff (and mainly foodstuff) here, which makes economical sense. Note though, for many there are alternatives (eg here you have a choice of 10+ different types of mustard, so for sure one will be similar to the one “back home”, if not one you may like better).

Looking at your suggested website, i see the option to order British Ariel for laundry, Fairy for dishes, English window cleaner, Dove soap, Aptamil baby milk, toothpaste… delivered by DHL + pay import taxes and vat. I don’t see the point, these things are generic and widely available here (But of course the website has nothing to do with Switzerland, they just ship from the UK to wherever)

Note that people are completely put off by The English Grocer.

if you are in or around Zug- the local Migros in ‘ZugerLand’ shopping centre has a UK food section inside. Also in Zurich there is a shopping district called ‘viaduct arches’ there is a specialist store there stocking a wide range of classic British foods like jams, pickles, cereals etc

Did you try The British Shop? Limited food collection but they’re not bad.

Sorry if I am overly suspicious, but are adam1351 and Schmid the same person?

One joins the forum to start a post about “McGrocer”, never comments / answers / checks any of the forum useful replies from members, then another guy joins to say “how amazingly great McGrocer is” with overtly generic statements. Both seem to have only spent 1 minute on the forums in total, and between them only read 1 post (according to the stats).

I hope not, but if this is the case it’s a bit a slap on the face to those who are genuinly trying to help…


I reckon you are 100% right.

The second reads like a cringeworthy advert.

Time for a thread delete I think.

OP actually registered with an email :man_facepalming:

I’d caution against using any company that engages in such deceptive business practices.


Not me. Especially as 25% of reviews give it only a one star out of five rating - like this one on Trust Pilot:

Screenshot 2024-09-14 163354

It’s actually quite difficult to get such bad reviews unless you are terrible.