Telephone SPAM ( and SCAMs )

A good link to see if others have similar issues.

Looks like a phone spammer:

Hehehe, my phone just rang. Where the name usually pops up it said “Potentieller Betrug” (potentional scam). Wonder if that is a Swisscom/wingo Service? Never seen that before but I don’t get many scam-calls.

Well, I decided not to find out if that claim was correct, I don’t answer calls from unknown numbers anyway.
Anyone else had such an info on an incoming call?

I use an app for that ( so that warning pops up if the app thinks it is spam, works nicely.

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hmmm, now that you mention that I seem to remember having installed something like that but it’s ages ago and I can’t find it among my apps.

Does the fax sit behind a router? IME routers usually can filter unwanted calls.
Since the numbers range is fairly narrow, a filter like +919* should rid you of most.

Rochdeep posted that question in 2009, they might not answer your question :kissing_heart:

The fax could have given it away.

LOL, people usually remark on it when reviving an old thread. How sneaky of you :kissing_smiling_eyes:

That said, you might be surprised at how many still have one. Remember how the Covid data got transferred at the onset.

Ahhh, my bad? Okay, will try to remember it for a next time.

I loved faxes, in fact I want them back. All this scanning and saving (=polluting the harddisk with stuff one will never need again), then having to create an email although there is nothing to say as it’s all in the scan … then forgetting to add attachment and people mail back “what attachment” :rofl: (okay, these days are over, thunderbird watches over you now and insists on that attachment mentioned in the email - which makes one feel controlled, reading my email? A software? outlook okay, microsoft wants to know but thunderbird?)
Definitely want the fax back. No idea why they gave up on them.

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I just had a “fax” added to my Teams as with some banks the only way to transfer payments to them - when their online banking systems are down - is by fax…

they’re still for sale? Or did you get a second hand from tutti :laughing:

No, it is an online thing added to my Teams (on my laptop).

So you still have to scan it before faxing it. That’s even crazier :rofl:

No,I just send an email to a number and that sends it to a fax machine.


We have a fax as a function of our printer/scanner/copier at the office. As OakbrookIL says, sometimes you need them in banking.

We still get overnight spam through it, too. Weirdly trying to sell us camping gas or ladders.

On the topic of faxes, certain Middle East countries still require for certain international government tenders, bids to be submitted by fax and then by normal post. When I took over one of those markets, the literally first thing the outgoing guy taught me was how to use the fax.

Some tech tends to be “sticky” in the most bizarre of scenarios


When I worked for the embassy in the GDR (yea, very long time ago) we used telex so I learned how to use that. When we could use faxes, that was very welcome :slight_smile:

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you’re trying to make us believe you’re such a youngster, you didn’t know how to use a fax?

YES! I saw a telex-machine the other day in “ZEITREISE DURCH 100 JAHRE RADIO UND FERNSEHEN” by SRF and giggled. When I was a teeny and started my KV we had one of those (the last one I ever saw, unfortunately). It was strictly forbidden to use it without a punch-tape (time/money) but I never cared, I had conversations on it with people all over the world (I was a fast typer even then, nobody found out … or nobody chid me for it anyway). I loved it, it was fascinating! Guess that’s why I jumped on compuserve chatrooms the moment they were invented. :grin:

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Okay, there is a new one (to me) and it might be worth a warning: it claims to come from AHV (pension from the old-age and survivors’ insurance) and wants to return money to you.
“Se­­­hr gee­­­hrte Dam­­­en und He­­­rren,
n­­­ach ei­­­ner Übe­­­rprü­­­fung Ih­­­rer Beit­­­räge dur­­­ch di­­­e A­­­HV-Ausgl­­­eichsk­­­asse wur­­­de fes­­­tgest­­­ellt, da­­­ss Sie mögl­­­icher­­­weise Ansp­­­ruch auf eine Rü­­­ckersta­­­ttung v­­­on 370,72 CHF ha­­­ben…”
The link leads to (no I didn’t click it :smiley:) a commercial site in Austria.

If you’re not good at German but at an age when AHV sounds like a subject concerning you: Delete it!
If they wanted to return money to you (if your employed they’d never as you didn’t pay it in the first place) they will send you a snail-mail settlement and just transfer it to you.

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